In addition, Scatec’s Code of Conduct sets out the essential requirements for ethical business conduct within our company, which applies to all employees, hired consultants and directors, including our subsidiaries, joint ventures and affiliates. In addition, we do not enter any contractual relationship with a third party without appropriate integrity due diligence.
Due diligence
We follow standardised processes in all our projects to identify, mitigate and monitor our environmental and social (E&S) risks and impacts including human rights under the IFC Performance Standards (PS) framework. We conduct human rights due diligence as part of our overall E&S due diligence process. Project risk registers, Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA), Environmental and Social Due Diligences (ESDD), Environmental and Social Action Plans (ESAP), Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP) contain human rights aspects. When initial assessments point to potential human rights risks, focused Human Rights due diligence assessments are conducted to gather deeper understanding of the risks the development of project can trigger and mitigation measures.
Salient human rights risks
A saliency assessment was undertaken where human rights risks, across 25 specific operational and value chain areas, were identified and categorised according to severity and likelihood. Refer to the below summary:
- Indigenous peoples’ rights
- Displacement / Loss of livelihood
- Forced, compulsory and child labour
- High-risk raw materials
- Access to water
- Right to a healthy environment
- Protection of human rights defenders
- Abuse of force – security
- Health and safety
- Freedom of association and collective bargaining
Access to remedy
Scatec has both a whistleblowing channel and grievance mechanism in place in line with the IFC PS and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
The whistleblower function is available to all employees, suppliers, partners and customers of the company through internal channels and our corporate website. The function is operated by an independent third party and available in eight languages. All whistleblowers have the option to be anonymous.
Our grievance mechanism is targeted towards individuals, communities and companies who have feedback or concerns regarding our projects. It is a channel to present issues to the administration of the projects and is directly supervised by our global sustainability unit. Each grievance is logged in our system, allocated to the responsible person and systematically processed according to our grievance procedures. We aim to have a response time and initiate action to resolve the grievance in a maximum of 15 working days. The mechanism is available at each local project site and in five different languages on our website: English, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese and Ukrainian. The mechanism provides a valuable platform for engaging with communities.
We report on the number of grievances received and resolved, as well as whistleblowing reports received and outcomes after investigations aligned to our internal processes. Although there are no specific cases relating to human rights in 2023, further details of our human rights work is summarised in our Transparency Act Statement 2023 available on our corporate website.