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Prepared for the Future

Scatec is a values-driven organisation with a commitment to fostering positive change. Our proven track record and extensive experience are integral to our efforts to institutionalise best practices, ensuring their effective application in new situations. Through on-the-job training facilitated by cross-functional teams organised around projects during the development phase, we aim to continuously enhance our capabilities.

Embracing diversity as a vital and inherent aspect of our organisation, we recognise its importance in shaping our collective success. By combining robust functional, technical, and operational expertise with a keen understanding of local markets, we strive to deliver optimal solutions. Our goal is to seamlessly integrate the best of our global capabilities into local contexts, creating a harmonious and impactful approach.

Looking ahead, we envision a multitude of opportunities to leverage our market insights, explore new opportunities, and manage risks effectively. Our unique expertise in navigating complex environments serves as the driving force behind our commitment to actively engage with all stakeholders, including local communities, as we strive to foster a better future. As Scatec employees, we are united by our shared commitment to our integrated business model, enabling us to efficiently navigate the complexities of our renewable energy projects in emerging markets.

As the macro environment undergoes continual shifts, it is imperative to fortify and establish an agile organisation capable of adapting to these changes, aligning with our project portfolio and dynamic markets. Our organisational make-up is aligned with Scatec’s overall growth strategy, which was revised in 2023, and as a result we also adjusted the organisation in key markets including Norway and South Africa.

Scatec is placing significant emphasis on the development of both core and new competencies. With a distinctive business model operational in knowledge-intensive markets, our focus has been and will continue to be on nurturing and engaging our employees. The cultivation of robust leadership is deemed essential for steering our business and achieving results through the collective efforts of our people.

Our values, serving as the bedrock of our culture, influence our actions and conduct. Diversity and inclusion are not just values, but strategic imperatives integrated into our culture, providing a competitive edge for Scatec. We are particularly focused on equipping our people to foster this culture and guide us to success in the face of a complex and ever-changing environment.

We will continue to fortify our organisation, develop our talent, and reinforce our culture. Simultaneously, our attention is directed towards empowering our workforce with digital expertise, harnessing technology to optimise workstreams and enhance overall effectiveness.

In 2023, our international team comprised 680 permanent employees. The majority of our employees are located in our offices in South Africa, Egypt, the Philippines, Brazil and Norway. With 49 different nationalities across four continents, we take pride in our diverse workforce, recognising it as a catalyst for our success. Our continuous effort in enhancing gender diversity has resulted in 30% female representation overall and 29% in management levels across our organisation in 2023. We remain steadfast in our dedication to being agents of change within DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging), especially in regions where achieving gender diversity and equality poses a more substantial challenge compared to Norway.





Female managers




Average employee age
