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Net Zero roadmap

Scatec’s climate targets were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) in January 2023, showing our commitment to drive sustainable growth by setting ambitious, science-based emissions reduction targets.

Six key initiatives to reach our climate targets

Our net zero roadmap outlines the specific initiatives and actions we will implement to work towards achieving our science-based targets for 2030 and net zero emissions by 2040. This plan integrates climate mitigation into our day-to-day operations, driving necessary changes to our operations, technology, and behaviour. The plan includes six initiatives, which have been selected based on an analysis of climate emissions over the past few years across all three scopes.

  1. Electric mobility
  2. SF6
  3. Biofuels
  4. Back-up power
  5. Electricity use
  6. Supplier engagement

By implementing this roadmap, we will reduce our environmental impact and contribute to global efforts to address climate change in line with the Paris Agreement. We are committed to transparency and  accountability and will continuously monitor and report on our progress towards net zero emissions.

Each initiative will develop specific initiative targets and indicators, update relevant policies, and explore opportunities and dependencies across the other initiatives. We will also anchor our work at each project site to ensure that we are effectively addressing local challenges and opportunities.

Planning for the future will be a critical component of our net zero roadmap, as we strive to stay ahead of emerging trends and technologies. By taking a comprehensive and proactive approach to our net zero roadmap, we aim to make a meaningful contribution to the decarbonization of our industry and the communities in which we operate.

Read more in our Net Zero Roadmap 2024 on our corporate website.
